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Alpine R8 GT Turbo Too?

I'll measure the venturi later today.

The main jet is OK.

Upon further inspection, I confused the air corrector and 1st stage sizes in the previous post. So I can drill them to their original diameters to match your numbers.

I did a quick check on the 2nd stage this morning and it is at least 120. I didn't have a drill bit big enough. I'm guessing it's 125. Is there any way to reduce the jet size to get to 100? Can I solder and re-drill it?

Thanks @sparkie. You've been a big help!
The 5 oclock hole in the enrichment body. Run a M4 x 0.75 tap down it. Then an 4mm drill in about 3-4mm, then screw in a 100mm jet and it'll adjust the 2nd stage bush, instead of soldering and drilling the bush.
The 5 oclock hole in the enrichment body. Run a M4 x 0.75 tap down it. Then an 4mm drill in about 3-4mm, then screw in a 100mm jet and it'll adjust the 2nd stage bush, instead of soldering and drilling the bush.
OK. that sounds easier that soldering.
You can make the air corrector a 120 instead of a 125, it'll be ok
Great! I won't need a 1.25 drill bit.

Thanks again @sparkie.
Big UH-OH ☹️. In the process of drilling out the fixed 2nd stage enrichment jet the drill got away from me and went too deep. I tapped the hole and screwed in a jet. Now the car won't idle and doesn't run right.

Anyone have a rebuilt or rebuildable carb for sale?
Big UH-OH ☹️. In the process of drilling out the fixed 2nd stage enrichment jet the drill got away from me and went too deep. I tapped the hole and screwed in a jet. Now the car won't idle and doesn't run right.

Anyone have a rebuilt or rebuildable carb for sale?
@sparkie can guide you here, or ship over new (to you) parts.
Here's a picture.

When I hand-drilled the hole for the new jet, the drill bit grabbed and went too deep, 10-12mm. There was still a bit of the brass tube from the fixed jet at the bottom of the hole. I could see where the hole had opened up to an adjacent passage in the casting. I tapped the hole and screwed in a jet. The motor wouldn't idle after reassembing the carb. Next, impatience set in. I drilled the hole larger to fit a long 5mm jet. And again the drill went too deep, 20mm?. So here I am.

A question--should the 2nd stage enrichment jet affect idle? I didn't think about this before I tried to drill a second hole. Is there any hope for my damaged carb?

I guess I'll never be too old to not be in a hurry.
You will probably have to remove the emulsion tube and clean all the bits of brass you've managed to spread throughout the carb. I'd advise stripping it totally and cleaning it properly. If it doesn't work, you'll need a different carb body.
You should have tapped and drilled here instead. Does the same job and less likely to mess up.View attachment 217041

Now I see where I should have drilled. Time to get my head out of my arse. I'll put a jet in the correct location and see what happens.

I tried pulling the emulsion tube out but it wouldn't budge. Any suggestions?

Might you have a spare carb or body if mine is toast?

Thanks again Sparkie. You're the best.
Screw in a long m4 bolt. Grip it with vise grips/mole grips, hold the carb upside down then use a hammer to hit the mole grips downwards. Should take the emulsion tube with it.
Got the carburetor rebuilt with stock size jets and a new body from @sparkie. The motor starts and idles fine now but there is a ticking sound from the motor. Sounds like it's from a single cylinder. If I rev the motor to about 2k rpm and drop the throttle, there is smoke from the exhaust. The spark plugs all look similar. Compression is 160-165 psi in all cylinders. Valve clearances are good.

The only thing I did since the motor was running great was remove and replace the carb. Any ideas what could be causing these symptoms?
If you take the plug leads off one at a time you should be able to find out which cylinder. Has it lost a stemseal or two?? have you checked the valve clearances??
Or it’s a leak on the manifold somewhere? They have a habit of ticking??

But don’t forget, you’re dealing with early 19th century technology here, so don’t expect it to run like a Lexus. Get in and get some miles on the old girl!