The six week sling was finally removed this week!
@Millie_Bee and I left home at 5:20am and with a combination of Driving and Tube we were at Baker Street tube station by 7:45am. (Note the Sherlock Holmes statue behind us)
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Quick power up with breakfast at the ‘Spoons
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…before leaving to travel on to Great Portland Street Tube station, and then walk the short distance to the outpatient clinic at Bolsover Street:
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Was in there about an hour and a half and met my new physio Team who it looks like I’m going to be seeing a lot of over the next months.
FINALLY I was able to remove the bloody sling, and put my own T-Shirt (note it’s a TurboRenault one
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My arm felt REALLY stiff following its week in the sling. I can’t straighten it any further than you see in the picture, And my arm looks like one of Popeye’s!!
They gave me a REAL thorough look over, finding out exactly how much every joint could move, and logging it in their little book. To give you an idea of my current lack of movement with my arm. If I could move it myself, I couldn’t eat an apple
if I was holding it in my right hand, I can’t get my hand to my mouth because of stiffness.
I saw a great diagram that shows exactly how I’ve F*cked it… I’ve pulled out the Purple and Red nerve Roots from my spine in the accident, and they’re the ones that operate my shoulder and Bicep/Tricep muscles in my right arm:
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With the Physio done, we left to travel to the next hospital, and two crazy things happened.
Firstly we saw a guy in the reception of the Clinic wearing a Peterborough United jersey, so we stopped to say hi and discussed the Semi-Final game being played that night in Blackpool (WE WON!)
Then secondly we went back to Great Portland Street tube station, and whilst standing on the platform, I asked Sarah to take this picture of me:
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Just as she took the picture, this voice says “God, you can’t get away from ClioSport!” I replied “You mean TurboRenault!?”
He then said “Hi Steve, how’s the arm???
Turns out it was a chap called Russ from the Cheltenham area who used to have a 172, but he sold it and bought a Porsche Cayman, and now goes by the name of Pegasaurus Rex over there. We had a great little chat standing on the platform waiting for the train to arrive.
Sarah and I then The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery near Kings Cross station for a couple of MRI’s as part of me being part of the Marmite Study..?
Love it or hate it I guess??
Lots of Physio/ Stretching in the mean time..