Had to just update this thread now whilst the Endorphins are still cursing through my body, to help me remember this feeling & passion during times it’s feigning in the future.
I got a new job in September 24 & it came with a company car, so I’ve been trolling around in this for the last three months, coming to terms with all electric motoring and (to be honest) becoming quite a fan..!
As a result, the Meggy has spent its days lounging on my driveway getting zero use and I’ve been wondering what to do with it??
New Years Eve 2024,
@Millie_Bee and I were invited to a party at our friends house 165 miles away and rather than run the electric car charging Gauntlet, we decided to take the Meggy:
Nice relaxing drive to the party on New Years Eve 24 with Sausage, where frivolities ensued:
New years Day after a little walk to blow away any remaining cobwebs
@Millie_Bee and I left to start our journey home and to our REAL SURPRISE found that the roads this Wednesday 1st Jan 2025 were relatively deserted!!! So the journey really allowed me to press the car a little harder than usual traffic would allow and we had a fabulous drive home….
For the first time in MANY months, I found myself totally at one with the car again, and after engaging Sport mode the car was equally as up for it as I was… exhaust popping away as I was braking into corners and junctions.
Totally just fell BACK IN LOVE with the car, and had to just take & share a photo of this car to make re remember how special it is!!
DON’T go getting rid of her
@Big Steve - Raider !!!