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time old afr questions......


Well-Known Member
Really sorry guys but I'm honestly not that clued up when it comes to reading my wideband! I'm sure a lot of you probably get sick of hearing the same old questions about afr's etc........ but I have had a look at a number of posts (mostly on the other site that shall not be named!) and some of the responses differ drastically! I understand also that each engine will have a sweet spot (of sorts) and what is right for one car may not necessarily be perfect for another, what I need to know ideally is good and bad extremities of afr readings...
My spec is;
Full T25 on 15/16psi
Breadbin int
Phase 1 fuel pump
Bms d/p
Zeitronix wideband

The boost kicks in at around 2.4k and full boost by around 3.5k

Readings at present are
Idle @14.5
Cruising @13-14
Part boost @10.5
Full boost @14.5

It's this last stat (full boost) that worries me, thought it was quite lean......
Thoughts appreciated gents, and again apologies for the naivety!

Yeah we used to whack them on RR and test em and change jetting as required. Most of the stuff we did was based around on what Renault did for the cup series/rally back in the day. Same as what GT Tuning, Euro Parts, K-Tec, Torsion Tuning and BB Tuning and MS Motorsport and I believe what Scoff did and Andy Cooke and Harpo did,we are really splitting hairs though. It does work,might not be the fashion now but you can't deny the past success and I'm not saying the new approach is wrong.
Yeah we used to whack them on RR and test em and change jetting as required. Most of the stuff we did was based around on what Renault did for the cup series/rally back in the day. Same as what GT Tuning, Euro Parts, K-Tec, Torsion Tuning and BB Tuning and MS Motorsport and I believe what Scoff did and Andy Cooke and Harpo did,we are really splitting hairs though. It does work,might not be the fashion now but you can't deny the past success and I'm not saying the new approach is wrong.

PMT old skool :D

Times have moved on Tommy, apparently we're stuck in the past now :D LOL
Yeah we used to whack them on RR and test em and change jetting as required. Most of the stuff we did was based around on what Renault did for the cup series/rally back in the day. Same as what GT Tuning, Euro Parts, K-Tec, Torsion Tuning and BB Tuning and MS Motorsport and I believe what Scoff did and Andy Cooke and Harpo did,we are really splitting hairs though. It does work,might not be the fashion now but you can't deny the past success and I'm not saying the new approach is wrong.

I am no having a go buddy. I really am not. However I must stress that no matter how many people did it - they did it wrong. Same as group A carbs. It wasnt a science back then - it was bang as much fuel down the throat and hope.

I could prove it with AFR readings. I will repeat. Rich low , lean high.
Unless you have a wideband lambda prob in your exhaust system and real time monitoring on the road then its all guess work. so the advise for this chap should be, put it back to standard boost and hope in the last 20 years no one has pissed about with it.
Thanks for all the info guys! I'm probably more informed yet more confused than before!! What do they say about ignorance being bliss and all that! ;) Could be a plan for the curry night....? any plans for a trip down this way soon @Mart? We could make it a proper one if enough people are up for it?? I think I'm WELL overdue a curry! I can't have people start calling me the "slimroofer" or the "roofer formally known as" lol
If you organise it, they will come :D

(but make it end of Sept ;))
I can definitely arrange it! And the end of september would more than suit me!

If I get a few dates worked out (if you're definitely up for making the trip @Mart then this would obviously coincide with whenever is good for you), maybe we could start a thread and get some names down to get an idea of numbers?