I have spent a couple of hours mostly swearing at the car. However I have fixed one issue. That being the IACV not getting power.
I wanted to validate it was 100% the IACV not working so I taped up the IACV port on the inlet after removing the air filter. Sure enough the car ran perfectly at 800rpm or so.
Next up was a 12v direct feed from the battery to the old IACV that I replaced.
It worked.
Thats good enough for me as now I know that I can use this as a test bench on my loom.
I took off more parts ; the ECU , and started looking at the loom. The IACV loom is a fly lead from somewhere underneath / behind the block, on the side of the driver. I undid most of the tape that was holding this together and lo and behold , a snapped wire.
I put the two wires together with some bodge tape and voila. Working IACV off the car.
I have then soldered it back together, sleeved it and tessa taped it whilst testing at various points with the old, unmounted IACV.
Ignore the voltage here - the IACV is 3 pin. One is earth , one seems to get 9ish volts, the other 12+v
Finally tested the one on the car and voila. A solid, stable idle.
Its now back together however its not perfect. The age old issue I had of the fuse I have to remove in the engine bay to stop the dash staying on is a mystery. I think, and its only a think its something to do with the alarm. I noted that sometimes the immo chirps when I press the plipper to deactivate, and sometimes it doesnt.
I also note that sometimes the car wont start, and a wiggle of the left of the two fuse boxes sorts it out.
However, at least the car is useable now. It was running -5 deg of timing and getting hot idling ( or bounce idling )