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Something for baldilocks atkins.

Funny that

Thats exactly the view i see of the cossie, save it being framed in my rearview mirror LMFAO 8)
YOU ANGEL.........

=D> that'll go nicely with my hopeful pending purchase :wink: :-$

Shame the pending purchase isnt the same colour mind lol

Baldilocks..........pmsl :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:

Nice one MrsLa21t, Mrs BIG_MVS has exactly the same attitude!!

Why do 90% of women not like renault 21 turbo's, they just don't know what they are missing!!!Even the the nod and the wink whilst staring at the the rear bench seat doesn't work!

Right need to start cleaning mine before I take her in doors to Belgium.

sorry mr sibley, I shall be keeping a very close eye on him.... :D :wink:
its a secret so sshhhh

I love the car really, just don't tell anyone :wink: :wink: :wink:

Mrs DaveL485 (GemmaL425) has had my 21 for the last week as her 9 is poorly (hence the L425 LOL)

Now she wants one BIG time :roll: :roll:
as BIG MVS put it ...any woman who doesnt love 21s does not know what shes missing!!!!!!!!! get out there girls and feel the power between your thighs!!!!! or is that something else lol
cant go a day without a blast in my baby gota show all the little boys out there how it done :wink:
