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:D found someone who supplys new sets of samcos any colour for phase one 257.06 inc p&p cheaper for phase 2. 4 to 5 weeks delivery. if anyone interested email me and ill email you his email address :D

samco' ph2 are not for ph2 - they are for ph3

so if u have a ph2 - ORDER a ph1 set!!!!!
:? didnt think it was a members only issue just anyone who ownes and loves 21ts, had 21s for 10 years only just joined as a member would of appreciated any help in that time, do you thinkl this is wrong si :?: cheers for advice mog luckly i have a phase 1 so ive ordered phase 1 but that would of been confusing :D
If its not a deal........

set up for the club only then advertise where you like mate. Unlike the SFS water hose deal, where this was set up by the club for the club, hence the need for posting it in members only area.

talkin bout sfs....

talkin bout sfs hoses does any 1 know wots goin on with these coz i aint heard anything since i paid my deposit bout 3 months ago. :roll: