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Rss Feed.

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Staff member
You what ? I hear you cry...

You know when you put your mouse near a section you will see an icon that looks like


Thats the RSS Icon. What it is in English is a feed. When something is updated on the site it not only displays it here , but it also creates a RSS note.

To read the RSS note , you will need a RSS reader. Chrome has an extension for it. Install it , and add in the relevant feed ( right click over the rss icon on the forum ( NOT THE ONE ABOVE ! ) and add it.

Then when the site is updated , your feed will too. Its similar in functionality to the alert , but you dont need to be on the site to read it !
#andy bond

Andy. I've downloaded the RSS reader into google, can see it in the extensions list, but it has dissapeared from view now. What do \\i need to do now?
Andy, you might need to add it into your browser, not just google.
Cheers Andy

It's in the address bar now, it just popped up there, and when I clicked on it, I was presented with a 'subscribe' button which I duly pushed.

I am however at a loss to what it is doing there.
you should get some details of the posts that have been er , posted so you can jump straight to the site if needed.
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