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French Car Show (see Events For Booking Details)

I'd be tempted to give this another go if I knew there I wouldn't be surrounded by folk with an Ecosse credit card ;)
It's really not bad anymore, I was parked up with all manner of old renaults. Well worth it these days, be good to see some 21s and gta's there too
Invited on Adrian.

As organiser I would like to re-enforce the show has changed. Yes some like to modify but its much more enthusiast based. RTOC, Renault owners club Renault Alpine owners club all attend the show in force.

Much less certain types of cars now lets say and a brilliant atmosphere at Castle Combe. The reduction in numbers from its heyday has seen an improvement for the more serious.

Any questions just ask and if I miss it please give me a nudge on Facebook. Not hear to field criticism either as those who attended last year more than likely will report a great show. 2014 sees much improvement on that.

really was a good show last year. If there's enough interest from people here i could try and sort out a club space? anyone interested?
I'd be keen to go but unfortunately I don't own a running French car at the moment, but I do know someone with a nice Monaco 172, we could bring along, it would be good to finally meet you guys face to face :cool:
If that's what the members want I can definitely try to get one sorted. Could do with at least 15-20 people wanting to go though?
If that's what the members want I can definitely try to get one sorted. Could do with at least 15-20 people wanting to go though?
If this is going to happen, I think the stand should show the variety of members cars this new club attracts and not just loads of the same model.

If I think of some of the members cars I have read about since we went live we already have the makings of a great stand....
  • 5 Turbo 1/2
  • Twingo GT
  • 21 Turbo
  • Fuego Turbo
  • 11 Turbo
  • 9 Turbo
  • Renaultsport Megane
  • Clio DCI
  • Alpine
  • 5 GT Turbo
  • RenaultSport Clio 1?2 (Be it Turbo or not)
  • + any more forgot! :p
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