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For Sale - AGAIN!!

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Hi all my quadra did not sell on ebay, however just aswell as driving home from work in it and its bust again ! this time serious, the wiring loom has burnt out ! somewhere behind the dash, tried to fix but the car has more wiring than a 747!!!

So its for sale, sold as seen you collect, spec is as per ebay, everything mechanical spot on. So make me a offer and take it away, Remember if you want it you cannot tow it, as you will knacker the transmission so you will need a low loader, Ps i am in york, i must have rid of it by this weekend as i am moving soon, also no silly offers ie ?200 etc, it went up to ?1600 on ebay. just last week before the fateful evening!!!

I am selling it as i dont have the time to fix it again and relist it on ebay.

Also if anyone wants it and has a decent 21t for sale and wants to p/x let me know and i will pay cash + my car



01904 794330 h or 01904 622632 w
[email protected]

failing no interest by friday i will be breaking it.

You can tow it as long as all four wheels stay on the road and turn equally, or you can disconnect the prop if you need to get 2 wheels up on a dolly.
(its automatics you cant tow)

Pleeease someone buy it, i'll help put it right, dont let him break it!!!!

I'm out of money, time and space so i cant..... :roll:
for sale

Hi all again,

cheers Dave for the advice regarding towing, well still no takers, I would be happy to take offers for the car as i need to get rid asap, As listed previous it has a new turbo, samcos, tsw alloys etc etc, come on you know you want it !!!

Must make room by sat as moving and new 21 coming, failing no interest all parts will be available so start asking


If it was 15 years old ( due to stupid import rules...) I would take if you put it on an Australian bound boat for me..... But I still have to wait a couple of years :cry:

i suppose this is the quadra that has my bottom end in it then.paul machin doncaster


It is Sold now, thanks for all the enquiries

Ps it is not your bottom end in my car Paul from donny

Anyone have a really good 2wd for sale, pref sport blue, I hear the prima car is for sale?


For sale

Hi All

Had a guy lined up to buy the car but a no show so far, so back for sale again.
which is a shame as i needed to shift the car this weekend, so unfortunatly it has come to breaking time, All parts are available apart from the loom that is!!

I will be putting the gearbox, turbo and interior on ebay today, so if you want to buy any bits it is best to email me.



[email protected]
It would be a shame to break, cant you get a nice friendly technician to give you a hand to sort out the wiring ?
for sale

Its not now being broken, as i have had tons of emails, so its on ebay for sale in a whole. I have traced the dodgy wire now, it was a earth from the ciggy lighter to the chassis, it had melted and fused to the starter cables (ones which connect to the ignition barrall), so i am going to put it back together and we shall see. In the mean time any offers and i will sell it


It has Sold

Sold the car p/xed for a Toyota Starlet Gt Turbo

Thanks For all the enquires
