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Electrical non-starting issue - few weird things


New Member
Hi all - long time lurker here first-time poster

I have recently go a project car - this is a non-runner and a bit of a gamble, it has some issues, and I will try and explain the best I can - I would like to try and fix this issue before calling out an auto spark.

The car 2010 CUP - forged F4r running a Meg 225 wiring loom spliced to Clio loom & meg ECU

The car has not been on the road from about 4 years - it apparently started to have an issue where it would not crank this fault was intermittent and would clear (whatever it was) and the car would crank and start, however eventually it got that bad it would not start - so it got flung in a unit as sat until I got it. (save another Clio from the scrap heap)

everything electrical in the car works - stereo, fans, wipers & steering lock
no warnings in the dash expect from the EDC fault and airbag (seats out)
red dot light on the dash blinking when first open the door
the fuel pump is not priming
car wont crank over
unable to read the fault codes - the OBD reader is connected to get power but unable to make a connection with the ECU (it is a cheap one but this connected to my other Clio with no issues)

Go to start
turn the key to stage 2 - fuel pump wont prime & the red dot light goes solid and will not go out
turn the key to stage 3 ignition - nothing happens

what I have done so far
New 12v battery
new batteries in the keys (2 different style keys)
jump lead from the gearbox to earth
starter motor removed and checked working ok
replaced key transponder around ignition barrel
cleaned out the UCH connections (some furring)
checked various red wires in the engine bay to prove 12v

Previous owner also sent the ECU & BCM away to be checked over - all ok

I think that is everything I have done so far, so looking for some further advice or has anyone seen something like this? I am thinking a possible imob issue linked to the ECU
any help / guidance is much apricated before I pull this loom and start fresh (will probably end up going down this route once I know the car can start) -


Need can clip on it to see whats going on. Highly unlikely its immob related on ecu side anyway, i believe solid red light means key is recognised but no commnunication to ecu/uch but clip will tell you what is going on with the key.

If you cant talk to the engine ecu via diagnostics it will be wiring related, can wire or whatever.
Can you read what the immob is doing on that?

You need to see what state the immobiliser is with clip or renolink ideally.

I had renault clip connected on friday - it was unable to read / see the ECU

spent saturday tracing wires and testing

I have 12v coming out of the UPC and going to the ECU
also the cambus plug it giving me the 2.9v on the pins and then to the ECU

I proved continuity from the UPC back to the OBD reader as well

bit stuck on the next step
I had renault clip connected on friday - it was unable to read / see the ECU

spent saturday tracing wires and testing

I have 12v coming out of the UPC and going to the ECU
also the cambus plug it giving me the 2.9v on the pins and then to the ECU

I proved continuity from the UPC back to the OBD reader as well

bit stuck on the next step
That wasn't CLIP, was it not the RS Tuner you tried?

CLIP is the dealer software (or itll be a rep of it) and as far as I'm aware Renolink is a 3rd party software but fairly comprehensive.

I wouldn't be handing the keys to autosparks unless you've tried CLIP or giving it to someone with access to CLIP.