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Morning all....

As I understand you all recieved an email recently, and some may have heard of the recent goings on. Most of you wont care about it, and quite right too.

What i'd like to say is, that despite recent speculation we have no proof that anyone deleted the old fora. Not Mike, not Me not Mr&Mrs Spoon.
That said we have no proof that Mike, Me or Mr&Mrs Spoon didnt delete them either.
Whoever did delete them has had no luck whatsoever cos we got em back, every single word has been retrieved. So whomever is responsible. 'better luck next time' is what ill say.

Hopefully by the end of this bank holiday the whole sorry affair will come to an end, and laid to rest. This is last 2 weeks have been bad for the club and I for one dont want it to happen again nor continue.

Bye for now
THANK GOD (and i dont' mean me ;))

well thats a really good thing that we have been able to get the old boards back - as there are lots of things apart from arguements! on there!!!

well done to all those involvoed in getting them back from the black hole of cyber-space

one thing - its nice to see the club's team answering back to comments made about them, and Lee i had doubts, but they have been laid to rest and i wish you well, i think you are deff the right person for the job - even if you do get ya oil wrong :-P :oops: LOL

anyway - i think that this can only be a good thing for the club as people's TRUE colours have come out in this and now we can all judge from FACTS rather than RUMOURS

but yep as dave said - lets get back to the arguements - they where much more fun

oi Dave, ya pikey!! :-P

get that 11 finished - so we can show these 21's what real reno turbo's look like ;)


well i hope the innocent parties involved have been publically appologised to and logins and status reinstated !!!! and hopefuly you(the team)can learn from some of the heavy handedness and cockups that was done before the facts were found out... oh by the way who was the george bush impersonator(the muppet that wiped the forums to try to save their arse's not the innocent person caught up in it all) :roll:
as lee says we managed to retrieve the forums, after several nights of contacting the management of net54, and loads of emails later, i had the call i needed and a few hours later it was a big sigh of relief all round !!!!!!!

as and when the website is updated,,the old forums will reappear as an archive only...but atleast 3yrs of the clubs history has been saved,,

my thanks go out to the net54 technical team :D couldnt have done it without their help :)
double standards and these are not personal attacks but fact

Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 4:54 am Post subject: A WORD ON RECENT EVENTS.......


Morning all....

As I understand you all recieved an email recently, and some may have heard of the recent goings on. Most of you wont care about it, and quite right too.

What i'd like to say is, that despite recent speculation we have no proof that anyone deleted the old fora. Not Mike, not Me not Mr&Mrs Spoon.
That said we have no proof that Mike, Me or Mr&Mrs Spoon didnt delete them either.
Whoever did delete them has had no luck whatsoever cos we got em back, every single word has been retrieved. So whomever is responsible. 'better luck next time' is what ill say.

Hopefully by the end of this bank holiday the whole sorry affair will come to an end, and laid to rest. This is last 2 weeks have been bad for the club and I for one dont want it to happen again nor continue.

Bye for now

as i read this i ask myself what the hell is going on!!!! i was told by a team member that mike was dropped from the team and was having his membership revoked....before mike was even told himself!!!! after having various phone calls and emails it is quite clear to me that the team are trying theyre hardest to frame mike stevens for the events that happened... well.. here's some info that has come to the surface... mr x did phone turbo active even though it was publically denied .various team members were tried to be contacted but never returned any correspondence.. mr stevens login was removed "as he gave his login to a 3rd party but a team mem gave theyre login to network 54 to just a normal mem to delete certain posts with other team members aproval" as you can see no names are publically mentioned here i hope you all hang your heads in shame i thought bullying was left in the school play ground its quite clearly not i therefore am using this post to place a vote of no confidence in the team as they have handled this situation diablocaly and nearly put the club in court and if mike stevens wants to put in a deframation of character case against the club i dont blame him one bit... again this has happend to OUR club we made the mistake last year when we did'nt vote in dave sibley i ran against dave in the chairmans vote as i questioned his posting of certain driving skills never did i once question his loyalty or love to the club/car.. there is an old saying what goes around comes around and it has again and bitten our backside and brought us down.... i know this is going to upset a few member and friends but we need someone to run the club with a team of people that can make decisions for themselve not "yes" men.. as of now i am no longer able to supply frount mount intercoolers or alloy products or silicon hoses to the club i appologise for any inconvenience caused...
after little deliberation, talkin 2 team members that would talk 2 me, an not talkin 2 team mems that wouldnt!!! i feel i have 2 2nd carls motion 4 a vote of no confidence. not all team mems how ever i feel should be included in this, think its time 4 the WHOLE truth 2 be aired publically an not brushed EVEN further under the carpet

steve mem72
last 2 weeks

not going to cause any arguments but only a hand full of people did have the admin passwords for the forums so who ever this muppet is carl is he a member of the TEAM???? keep your silly comments to yourself.
lol at tony!!!! mr x has already divulged that he gave u the login 4 net 54, an mr y, also of the team, knew this over a week ago, an chose 2 keep quiet about it!!! TRY AGAIN!!!!!

stop diggin wen u get 2 the bottom tony lmao
hi tony long time no speak!! i have in my possesion 2 emails sent by your goodself to mike and steve not very plite were they?? its ok i'll leave the matter drop now..
time will tell

well if this is what the rest of the club wants and responds to this message,,ime sure everyone else will rally to your call.

as for being ignored, lee contacted the team after mikes email,, and answered mike on behalf of the team.
lyndon..... its my name next 2 MY post, i tried contactin u, 2 no avail, i didnt once mention mikes name in my post, so wat r u on about????
i went away the weekend all this came 2 a head, i tried contactin u 2 find out where the old forums went 2, but WAS an STILL am bein ignored????
i was refering to mikes email,,i have not had fone call or email from u steve,,,, and if u wana pursue i didnt speak to u on msn,,go for it,, just as i didnt speak to several members on the weekend,,yes msn is on,,but i aint always sitting at the chair,, one of the mems even rang to say bloody answer me on msn ,, and i said cant ime under the car..
as i said to you,all internet members were emailed at 10.35 last sunday to inform them of a problem with the forums, and by lunch time we had the new forums up and running.(however, currently it appears we have some out of date email addresses)
Got to have my say....

'Well' I thought,new boards,new team,new start.......or NOT :(
Coz hey,at the 1st sign of bother it appears that the bandwagon has started rolling and the same names as before are at the helm,trying to out the team as before.....this ain't personal guys,coz I got no probs with either of you,but I seem to remember everytime something occurs its 'lets vote them out,lets get a new team' funnily enough,this now seems to be a trend....every new person thats had a go at running this club seems to be a target for the 'lets have a vote of no-confidence gang' :shock:
Why is this?? :?: You did it to Moggy,myself and to an extent Dave as well.
What you need to remember is that no'one,except it seems for a few people are remotely bothered about holding a mutiny to 'out' the team.
Let them get on with thier jobs and keep the club going,instead of spending every given moment trying to bring it down.
I also understand that Mike is a close friend to both of you,but its not YOUR problem,so why get involved??
Why confuse the situation even more by involving more people that have nothing to do with it.
At the end of it all,a decission has been made,for the reasons given and on the information recieved at the time.
Thats it, live with it,coz shouting ain't gonna do any good and threats of 'I got an Email you sent to so and so' ain't gonna help either.

Thats it,rant over
Yours,fed up of the same old shit......
A word from MR X............

Right where do I start.......? Im gonna put this plain and simple so that even Sam Dingle can understand it.......

FACT 1 - Mikes login was removed Saturday afternoon when he informed me he freely gave out his login to someone with nothing to do with the club.

FACT 2 - Mike Stevens at this point is STILL a member of the 21TOC no decision was ever made to remove him from the club, this decision cannot be reached all the while emails remain unanswered.

FACT 3 - We have NO PROOF whatsoever who deleted the fora, anything anyone says is purely based on assumption. The matter regarding the fora as far as the team are concerned is pretty much closed, as whoever did delete it didnt do it well enough.

FACT 4 - Yes a club member was given the premier login by myself in order to save someones job. This was done after Mike Stevens had rang me to tell me he'd given his login out to the Boss of Turbo Active. In giving out the premier login, I thought I was only ever doing something Mike was in favour of, after all on many an occasion Mike has publicly stated at many a meet and conversation 'ANY CLUB MEMBER WISHING FOR INFORMATION ETC SHOULD HAVE IT MADE AVAILABLE TO THEM IMMEDIATELY' Mike agreed this with me yesterday on the phone.


FACT 6 - As for the comment regarding mates helping each other out, absolute tripe. Im not a yes man and never will be, and, whilst this may offend some (but im sure you know how its meant) I have one mate in this club and thats Paul Herridge. The rest are people ive met thru this club. Someof which i'd remain in touch with, I seriously doubt Tony would be one of these....

FACT 7 - cheers for the reply i totally understand the dilemma your in just go and do what you feel is right and you have my backing which ever you decide...
have fun and dont scratch your head to hard cause like myself we aint got a lot of hair to pull out!!!
Does this email look familiar to anyone??? So one minute I have your backing next I really ought to make your mind up Mr.C er I mean Boyo er I mean sonny Jim.

FACT 8 - If the club and I mean the club (a majority vote) wants me out, then I will step down without fuss. If Mike is honest he'll tell you that at the team meeting we had recently after Avon, I said I wanted regular AGMs' so that if you all felt we had gone stale you could tell not trying to wrap myself in cotton wool.

FACT 9 - No need whatsoever ever for either Mr.C or Mr.D to send a member of this team anonymous text messages attempting him to blackmail him into keeping Mike in the club. I always said id tell the truth if asked, Steve you had every opportunity to ask me on Friday. Mind you ive just read your post Steve, it appears im excluded in your team removal thing as I was always in contact with you. As ive said before, hiding aint my style.

Anyway once again take care
it wasnt blackmail, it was a statement!! an it wasnt anonomous, i rang lyndon a while back usin the same mobile number (07793203136, no confusion now) an we spoke concernin incar adjustable boost, if he was silly enuff not 2 save my number thats his problem, not mine, if i thought he didnt have my number then i would have signed the txt, but it didnt even cross my mind.
lee, yur rite, i did have every opportunity 2 ask u friday nite, but as i told u then, i wasnt in the position 2 say anything an u understood that. at the same time though lee, u had EVERY opportunity 2 tell me wivout me needin 2 ask, true?
i did have every confidence in the team b4 all this started, an i know not all team members have been involved wiv these proceedings, i think it has all been very underhanded, an down rite dirty..... but this is just my own thoughts on this, steve x
Jumping on the bandwagon.

I Agree with and back the vote of no confidence proposed by Carl.


Seriously, you lot need to shut up. This is NOTHING to do with anyone other than persons directly involved, or the 21Toc, other than a malicious attack on the old forums which is an issue which wont be resolved by dragging everyone into it.
Why is it even on our forums?
Carl, I hope you don't stab all your friends in the back like that.
Steve, standing up for your friends is commendable, but please ask yourself if you are pursuing it in the right manner.

Lee, keep going mate, ya doing a corking job so far, same to the rest of the team. You have my full support (for a change) (and until you piss me off again) for the future. :D
for once

dave and myself are on the same wavelength

i have every confidence in the new team

and long may they reign over us

even if lee does do tooooooo much polishing *LOL*

Ditto Moggs and DaveS, I am not biased as Lee lives down the road but we dont just talk 21's and i know he has put the effort in to give the club direction and continuity, the new forums now have private messaging and the reason i suggested to Lee in the first place about using this particular forum technology is for the PM feature so grievences could be sorted Privately, also signatures and piccy's too.